Sunday 14 December 2008

28 Days Later

28 Days Later
Director: Danny Boyle
Starring: Cillian Murphy, Naomie Harris
Genre: Horror

28 Days Later is a horror film about the Human Race being devastated by a virus that is turning them all into "The Infected". "The Infected" are running around searching for their next victims as they feed on them to stay alive. Any blood or bite from "The Infected" will turn a normal human being into one of these creatures.

The start of the Film is a news report which to me suggests realism. It starts off on this news report to make us believe it is really happening in the world. By then cutting to a shot of Three Activists breaking into an animal research facility it also suggests problems that people are fighting against in the world today such as Animal Testing. We see while the activists are in the Lab, Monkeys, which are behaving in a very aggressive manner which suggests to me these maybe the cause of the virus being spread throughout the film. The activists attempt to free the monkeys which then attack one of them and she becomes one of "The Infected". A lot of blood is incorporated into the shot which suggests horror film as it is a general convention of a horror films.

The next scene is Jim (Cillian Murphy) in a Hospital which suggests injuries, possibly one of the infected, at this point we are still unaware as to what is definitely going on. Jim wakes up from a Coma which he has suffered and has no idea what has happened with regards to "The Infected". He gets out of his bed and starts to wander around the hospital but there is no-one around the Hospital is completely deserted. There is a lot of product placement in this scene with things such as Pepsi, Tango and Costa Coffee. These also suggest realism as they are everyday products and not something we haven't heard of. Lots of high angle and low angle shots are suggesting he is being watched which is a cliché because there is nobody around. These shots are quite often codes of horror films as if people are being watched by the things that are going to kill them.

When Jim leaves the hospital he enters London which is completely deserted. This shows Jim is alone and still unaware to what is going on while he has been in a coma. I believe this has been used to show that Jim is lost not only physically lost but also lost in his mind with regards to what is happening around him. When he is walking around London, still, a lot of high and low angle shots are being used to establish the scenery but to also make us feel like Jim is being watched.

The Non-Diegetic music is Fast Paced I believe this maybe to represent Jim's frame of mind, all the different thoughts inside his head and also his heartbeat as he starts to panic when there is nobody around. The camera shots are also fast paced which go along with the fast paced music to suggest a similar thing.

Jim enters a church which suggests he feels it could be a safe place for him to go. As he walks into the building there is writing on the wall saying "the end is extremely f**king nigh" this suggests to me that the people of the church have lost hope and fear it is going to be the end. Jim seeks out a priest who has been infected. This suggests to me that the director wants us to think that not even God can help "The Infected".

Jim then goes back outside into the open and the camera begins to cut between shots suggesting to me the Unawareness and Fear in Jim because he does not know what is happening to him.

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