Tuesday 13 January 2009

Christian Metz: Theory Of Genre Development

Metz believed that genre develops through four stages:
  • Experimental - Bulding blocks for future horrors to go by. Early stages of horror setting up the general codes and conventions of the horror genre.
  • Classic/Classical - Movies that have followed the general guidelines set out in the experimental stage.
  • Parody - Movies that mock the genre, usually turned into comedy.
  • Deconstruction - Movies that pick that take codes and conventions from the Horror and Thriller genre and combine them into one movie
These horror films:
  • Se7en
  • Frankenstein
  • Dracula
  • The Blair Witch Project
  • The Sixth Sense
  • Carry On Screaming
  • Nosferatu
  • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
  • Scary Movie
  • Abbot + Costello Meet Frankenstein
  • Scream
Are all classed to be of the Horror Genre. Metz classified these into the four different stages of Genre Development.

  • Nosferatu
  • The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari
  • Dracula
  • Frankenstein
  • Carry On Screaming
  • Abbot + Costello Meet Frankenstein
  • Se7en
  • Scream
  • The Sixth Sense
  • The Blair Witch Project

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