Wednesday 7 January 2009

Preliminary Task

We were asked to film a two minute sequence as preliminary project for our foundation portfolio just to get us used to using the cameras and using different shots. We were asked to include:

Match On Action
Exchanging of an Object
A Door Opening
A Handshake

Working in a group with Danny Jones and Josh Lloyd we managed to perform and film a good quality project. We started off with our Stunt Coordinator “Me” driving onto the car park using a pan to follow the car round. We then cut to Danny exiting the car and dropping a cigarette, there was then a slow tilt up to his face to blow out the smoke. There was then a close up of Danny’s hand punching in the code to the door and a match on action of him opening the door and walking through it.

We then included a hand held shot from the top of the stairs as Danny walked up them which looked very effective and was then pointed out to us it was in the style of Luc Besson (Leon)

A shot of the back of the josh and a slow zoom as he spun on the chair worked very well and then a slow pan of Danny walking across the room looked very effective. A very well timed shot reverse shot finished off the short film as the handover was made between Danny and Josh.

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